0 BluelightChinaStock


BluelightChinaStock是一个记载,关心中国大陆股市发展前景& 投资机会的BLOG. 本BLOG所有内容纯属个人意见,决不能用作你的投资建议. 欢迎交流投资心得和见解! -Blue

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgia spends 15 percent of its gross domestic product and 70 percent of its government budget on the military.

Is this true? If so,
  1. do any other nations spend such a high proportion on the military?
  2. Does it make sense for such a poor nation as Georgia to spend this amount on the military?
  3. The crux of my question is, does Georgia suffer from the philosophy "if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"?